Aaaal sorts aa stuff fae Sheltie land.... includes stuff fae Muckle Ossa, Little Ossa and Fladda..... and any guest stacks, holms, geo's, kame's, baaaas, headlands, voes, firths, lochs, lighthouses, etc.
A short overnighter at the Hams O Roe, Muckle Roe
A new work colleague was asking me about places to camp locally as he
wanted to make the most of the weather before darkness and autumn closed
in. Fancy...
A Lovely Autumn on Fair Isle
Autumn on Fair Isle at the Auld Haa
Good birds & Good weather
South Harbour
Twitching the Raddes Warbler
Seaweed Beach Drawing
Gaia August 2019
*Gaia by Luke Jerram*
16 - 18 August 2019
*Wills Memorial Building*
*Extinction Voices*
5 August—15 December 2019
*Bristol Museum & Art Gallery*
PhotoWild! with Shetland Nature Festival
How would you like to have a great day out around Sumburgh Head while
improving your photography at the same time? Well, you’ve got a great
chance with ...
Easter 2018 sermon
Sermon for Easter 2018
It is to the gospel of John which we turn for the Easter proclamation this
year, or should we perhaps say the Easter unveiling.
Quite a large amount of snow dumped on the patch over the last couple of
days, but there has been very little change bird wise - Fieldfares
increased from ...
End of the year 'catch up'
Well as I sit here typing this over Christmas, the wind is picking up
again - F7 to 8 at the moment and storm 'Barbara' is well on its way
closely follo...
Viking Star, 20th September 2016
Click image to enlarge
Yesterday (20th) saw the final maiden cruise arrival of the season when *Viking
Star *arrived in port. Having sailed overnight fro...
Gentilis Relish
*11th-13th April*
A couple of blustery days brought a few bits of note, with the 11th seeing
a few *Pink-feet *on the move and a small fall that included 10...
I've ventured into the realms of maritime history with this
recently-completed painting of the last minutes of the Peterhead steam
drifter "Ugiebrae". S...
As promised I'm getting back to some of the things which I haven't had
time to post about, and surely Oslo is well worth a mention since I enjoyed
a lovel...
2013 Nesting & Girlsta Up Helly Aa
The 2013 N&GUHA took plave on Friday 8th February. Stewart Thomson was the
Guizer Jarl, respresenting Haakon Haraldsson.
Der Mythus des XX. Jahrhunderts
The book has arrived in Amsterdam, below is a copy of the reply I got...
Dear Ke...
This time, dear friends & readers,
and in the advent of NordicblackbirdDOTcom's fate, (sudden deletion by the
Red-necked Phalaropes (inc video)
Lately, these wee birds are certainly proving harder to see! They were
seen by myself on almost every visit a few years back, but now they only
seem to sh...
Nigel's Week in late August
We started with a visit to Mum who was in good spirits.
The week went very quickly and I just cannot remember on which days things
happened. I do know tha...
The Islesburgh Centre
Dale Smith, manager of the Islesburgh Centre, is kindly allowing me to post
this photo he took during the 2010 Frenzy, with Eunice giving me a lesson
Hall teas last sunday in aid of the North Mavine Cattle Compensation
Society. So all us crofty wives baked fancies. and some made quiches and
bannocks and...
Hungary #5 – marsh terns
Keeping a weather eye on Birdguides, I see there are a few Red-footed
Falcons and White-winged Black Terns filtering into the UK at the moment.
I’d dearly ...
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